Monday, 16 December 2013

4 Useful Tips to Optimize Your Facebook Page

Facebook has billions of users and has so much potential for anyone who decides to use it to become more visible. Whether you are a business, blogger, or just someone that wants to get their page out there, optimizing your fan page for SEO is going to be essential for it to show up in search engine results. So to make sure your Facebook page is properly optimized, we are going to check out some easy tips that you can implement.

Choosing the Best Name

This might seem a bit obvious, but your page’s name is going to have a lot to do with how people view your page and how search engines react to it. Using to many keywords in your name won’t help out your SEO efforts too much and will look horrible to everyone on Facebook, so it is better just to keep it natural and appealing to others. The more appealing your name is within Facebook, the more chance at your page going viral and increasing traffic by millions.

A great thing to remember is that Google rates the first word of your page the most, so choose wisely. If you can implement some type of important word first, great, but don’t go ruining the whole name for the sake of it.

Backlink Your Page

Promoting your Facebook page by link building is a very smart move. If you are trying to increase your page’s ranks, then optimizing it by increasing its authority can dramatically help you. Link building continues to be one of the main aspects of SEO, so starting a link building campaign will be for the best.

While promoting your page, make sure not to use anything that would be considered “Black Hat“. Using bad methods of getting links will only get you in trouble with the search engine and could eventually have you completely removed from the results. You should only be using well planned strategies that don’t make sure your links look suspicious. Placing your links in websites that have nothing to do with your niche, using anchor texts that are misleading, and placing your links in websites that have no authority should all be avoided.

The best thing you can do is to make sure that your keywords look natural and provide a lot of value to viewers. If it doesn’t, you should probably avoid posting the link there. The more higher quality links you have, the better your authority will be, which helps increase your rank.

Custom URL

You will have the opportunity to customize the URL of your Facebook page. This is an important step in optimization because search engines use the URL to rank you for related keywords. For instance if your page is about cooking and you are trying to target the phrase “Best Food Ever”, you could technically put that in the URL and search engines would rank you high for that term. That was just an example, I would never recommend you actually use that in your URL. You should try and make it look relevant to your name, but also give it some SEO value.



While you might not be writing massive articles and posting them directly on Facebook, you can still use keywords throughout your profile. Everything is looked at when search engines crawl through your page. So using keywords in you about section or targeting specific words to post about can help your ranking in a significant way.

Prior to using any keyword, you should always make sure and research which keywords you want to target. The more time you invest into researching the perfect target, the more of a chance you will rank higher on that term and get traffic from it.

There are plenty of ways to optimize your Facebook page, these are only 4 tips. It is important to remember not to risk the success of your page in the name of SEO. While SEO is important and should be considered, if your page isn’t successful then the SEO efforts are all done for nothing. You should just find a perfect balance and then watch as your page gets more and more successful.

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