Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Rajnikant’s Website: Runs without Internet

Hi friends, its serious if you do not believe than you have too because I just saw it it and enjoyed it a lot, means what ever you say Rajni-Kant properly means that there’s nothing which Rajnikant cannot do. So when I just saw this website I was just amazed than how it can run without internet but the thing is that its really running without as it will only be accessible if you will disconnect your internet.

So now if you wanna access Rajnikant’s website than Click Here and you will see page like above so now disconnect your internet to access it further and than enjoy this funny website swell I think its just on something like Biography type of website and than if you connect again to your Internet than this website will give you an error than disconnect your Internet again to access this website.
So here we go with another funny website which used Rajni’s Power to access website online, well I hope this is another creative concepts brought by South Designers for their GOD.

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